What is the Self?

Satsang with the Self by Channel Higher Self

The Self is a spiritual word for our true nature - who we are beyond the ego, body, emotions, and mind. The Self is a direct experience of our truth, the I AM.

What is a Satsang?

Satsang with the Self by Channel Higher Self

Satsang means in the company of truth. When all of life is realized as the direct experience of One Self, every moment is a satsang and a true miracle.

Presented by Channel Higher Self

Satsang with the Self

Satsang with the Self videos

December 2010

Watch the Higher Self channelling videos provided below. All videos are divided into 10-minute parts and video streamed for faster viewing. Text transcripts will be provided as they are completed.

All videos are available for purchase on video DVDs or as high resolution QuickTime .mov files. Digitally remastered audio CDs and mp3 files are also available. Please visit the Channel Higher Self store for more details.


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December 1, 2010

Overcome the Material Forces: Power, Sex, Food, Money

At this moment in time, the global humanity is struggling to overcome the four basic material forces: the desire for power, sex, food, and money. It is the selfish pursuit of these basic material forces that is creating nearly all of the suffering in today's world.

In this Satsang with the Self video teaching, learn how the material forces are affecting and controlling our lives. Learn how our personal subconscious mind, ancestral karma, genetic DNA, and collective human consciousness have been programmed to believe that the pursuit for and manipulation of these material forces will create a state of genuine happiness. Understand why we personally believe that the acquisition of power, sex, food, and money will solve our problems and end of suffering.

These higher consciousness spiritual teachings dissect and examine each material force desire individually – to understand how the human energy system moves to create these selfish experiences – and then collectively to see how the personal ego is a constructed from the interaction of these four basic material desires. Understand how the natural movement of energy in the human energy system and chakras is distorted and changed by the material forces and our personal desires.

Tools and techniques to overcome the power and manipulation of the material forces of power, sex, food, and money are taught in this Higher Self video. Directly experience how the energy flow is changed, how the deeply rooted thoughts motivate our words and action, and how our perception of others is altered, all by these material forces moving within us. Gain valuable guidance and support as you choose to work through your personal issues into higher states of spiritual experience and knowledge.

This Channel Higher Self video is rich with information to help you uncover the energies and deep motives that are manipulating your conscious creative energy. Please take the time to listen to the entire video teaching and allow the information to become assimilated in your psyche and life. This video has the power to help you awaken to the energetic and perceptual sabotage in your mind and body, and will help you to ascend into higher spiritual awareness, understanding and genuine power.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 4, 2010

Coupling Creative Sexual Energy with the Energy of God Within

Sexual energy is one of the most misunderstood and misused experiences in humanity. This Channel Higher Self video will help you to better understand the power, purpose and use of creative sexual energy in your body, personal relationships, human interactions, and spirituality.

Inside every human being flows the creative energy of sex. Although sex energy has its center in the lower charkas and genital organs, this powerful creative energy flows throughout our entire physical body to nourish our tissues, blood, nerves, organs and brain. When correctly conserved and built within the human body, sexual energy has the power to restore health, increase strength, improve our sense organs, and creative heightened states of awareness. When used correctly in relationships, sexual energy will enhanced the harmony with our partner, create peace, and build love.

In this Higher Self video, you will learn how we incorrectly use our sexual energy for selfish reasons like lust, power, security, and physical arousal. You will be taught how to perceive how the mind and ego desires alter the natural flow and purpose of sexual energy in the body. And you will be taught how to overcome these selfish desires to purify your sexual energy and sexual organs.

As a person matures spiritually, the power of Spiritual Love in our Sacred Heart Center couples with the creative power of sexual energy to purify the sexual energy and redirect the flow of sexual energy within the body. When united with Divine Love, sexual energy becomes a very powerful transformation energy that will cleanse our chakra energy system, awaken deeper wisdom, and ultimately take us to spiritual enlightenment.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 8, 2010

Personal Power: Breaking the Patterns of Ego Control and Manipulation

The majority of humanity seeks 4 fundamental material desires: the desire for food, the desire for sex, the desire for money and the desire for power. In this video of the Satsang with the Self video series, we examine the human desire for personal power.

Many of our actions, thoughts and emotions are motivated by the personal desire for power. We desire power and influence over other people to prove our success. We desire wealth and valuable material possessions to improve our self-image. We desire friends to raise our self-esteem. As we look at the motivation behind our desire for personal power and influence in the world, we often see that the personal ego's self-image is the root motivation of our actions. We see that the ego has high self-esteem when it demonstrates power in the external world. And that the ego avoids feelings of powerlessness and low self-esteem by trying to take control of experiences, events and people in this world.

In this Channel Higher Self video, we examine the basic motivating factors and reasons behind the ego's desire for power. We learn whether the display of personal power in the world does in fact solve our inner suffering or whether it simply masks over our inner suffering temporarily.

Gain a valuable technique in this video that will teach you how to break the chain of personal actions motivated by the ego's desire for personal power. You will learn how to recognize the ego's selfish actions, understand what is motivating these actions, and then how to stop the pattern and free yourself from subconscious control.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 11, 2010

Personal Power: Creating From the Divine Self Within vs the Ego Self

When we desire to use our personal power to create an experience, how do we know if we are following the Will of God Within or the selfish will of the personal ego? How can we discern from where our motivation is coming? How do we know that we are on the right path?

In this Channel Higher Self video, you will learn how to directly experience and identify the source from where your personal motivation for creation is coming. Learn how to directly discern the difference between creating from the flow of the Divine Life Force Energy or creating from the perception, goals, and beliefs of the personal ego self. As you become better able to stay in conscious awareness of the creative process within yourself, you will be able to directly know, in the immediate moment, how you are creating your reality and directing your personal power and creative energy.

It is common that most humans are only aware of the outermost layers of their manifest being and human energy system. People most frequently use their own personal power to manipulate and control the external world and other people in their pursuit of their own goals. When people create from an externalize state of awareness, the creative energy is taken from other people rather than coming from within themselves. Energy taken from others is a polluted form of energy and never truly brings us happiness.

In this higher consciousness video teaching, you will learn how to first recognize from where you are getting your creative energy - whether from the personal ego, other people or the Higher Self Within. Then you will be taught how to free yourself from the ego's destructive and manipulative patterns and how to reconnect with the Divine Source of Life Energy Within. When a person learns to create from this inner place of abundance, then the process of manifestation becomes effective, simple, joyous.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 13, 2010

Feeding our Mind, Body and Emotions with Divine Love

Human life is a struggle between the spiritual forces and the material forces. We feel the influence of the spiritual forces and material forces within us. These forces motivate our thoughts, emotions, physical health, and actions. The accomplishment of these forces give us different degrees of happiness and security. We also witness the struggle of the spiritual forces and material forces in other people, in society, and in the world. All of life appears to be a balancing act of the spiritual forces and material forces. How can we integrate the spiritual forces within us and overcome the material forces that cause us suffering?

In this Satsang with the Self video, we look at the role the spiritual forces and material forces play in the area of food and nutrition. Not only do we feed our physical body by ingesting material foods, we also feed our emotional body through our relationships and our mental body through our goals, pursuits, and accomplishments. In this Higher Self video you will learn how you can expand your experience and understanding of human nutrition by creating the direct experience of receiving nourishment from the Life Force Energy within you. This Divine Creative Energy is food for the mind, emotions and physical body. It is a pure food that satisfies all of our cravings and desires, compared to food and energy taken outside of our body which is impure and leaves us unsatisfied and craving more.

In this Channel Higher Self video, learn a valuable guided meditation and personal affirmation exercise that will help you to reconnect your multidimensional human energy system to the Higher Self – the God Within.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 18, 2010

Vibrational Eating: Why we eat the foods we do

Humans feed themselves on many levels (mind, body, emotions) and in many ways. We eat for pleasure, community, relationship, boredom, excitement, depression and celebration. We eat foods for many mental, emotional and physical reasons and select different foods for many reasons. Beyond all of our consciously known reasons for eating, there are deeper vibrational reasons for why we eat the foods we do.

In this higher consciousness video, you will be taught methods to discover why you eat the foods that you do. You will learn about emotional eating and eating based on information and theories. You will also learn how to sense, feel, and intuit the energy level of foods, the emotions of foods, and the chemical properties of food. Be prepared – your dietary habits and approach to eating may drastically change after watching this Higher Self video.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 20, 2010

Conscious Eating - Breaking the Ego's Control of Food and You

We eat for so many reasons. We eat for nutrition, health, pleasure, sensual arousal, stimulation, energy, self-abuse, addiction, ignorance, boredom, chemical withdrawal, emotional need, mental curiosity, mental control, and more. Why do we eat the way we do? How does our food choices affect our spiritual health? Can food be a block to spiritual growth and personal happiness? How addicted to our food choices are we?

In this Channel Higher Self video, you will learn about the relationship between food, your ego, and you. All of life is pure energy; science has proven this. In our world and in our body, every thing affects everything else; we all can clearly see this. The food that we eat creates more than the muscles, tissue, bones, and blood in our body. Food also influences and can even control our emotional state by causing new emotions, holding onto old emotions or blocking emotions from expressing. Food also affects our mind, how we react to other people and life situations. Because food has such a powerful influence on all parts of our human being, the ego uses food to keep the Spiritual Self (Soul) in ignorance, suffering and control.

Learn how, in this spiritual video teaching, to recognize the way your food choices are affecting your physical, mental and emotional health. Gain valuable tools and techniques to better understand the vibrational effects that food has on your human energy system. Learn how you can recognize how the ego uses food to control you. Free yourself from the ego's control. End your personal suffering. And create your health, happiness and lifestyle from a conscious place, from your Higher Self.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 23, 2010

The Higher Self Consciousness Teaches on the Correct Use of Money

The majority of humanity seeks 4 fundamental material desires: the desire for food, the desire for sex, the desire for money and the desire for power. In this video of the Satsang with the Self video series, we examine the human desire for money.

In our world, money is the driving force behind nearly every action that humans make. Not only does money motivate how we spend our time and creative energy, money also influences how we feel about our self. Why does money have this power of us? Is it wrong that the world uses money? How can we better use money in our lives?

In this Higher Self video teaching, you will learn about the monetary system and it's influence on humanity, spirituality and the human ego. You will learn about the difference between how the Universe creates and the how the personal ego creates – gaining valuable insight into the process of creation and manifestation. By learning this knowledge you will better understand how you can earn and use your money in alignment with Universal Principles and Higher Self knowledge.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 25, 2010

Understand How Money Controls Your Emotions

In this Satsang with the Self video, we continue on the topic from last week's video: money and how money influences the human experience. In the last video we discussed how the world's financial systems are operating in the opposite way that Universal Law works. The God, the Universe and Nature give without expectation of return, however, the financial system and the human ego first desire to receive before they give.

In this Higher Self spiritual video teaching, we learn how our own ego gives power to the monetary system and causes us to feel manipulated and controlled by our money and material wealth. This video contains a guided visual imagery practice that will show you how your subconscious mind views money, financial security, material wealth, and financial freedom, and how these mental projections control your emotions and thinking. Learn how your own subconscious mind and ego have been manipulating your mind, emotions, physical body, personal relationships, and self-image. Directly experience what it feels like when the ego takes control over your conscious will. And learn how you can take control back and live in inner peace, happiness and security.

Many blessings and much Love!

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December 27, 2010

Coming soon...







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To learn more about Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, or to request a private channelling session, please visit Lincoln's personal website: ChannellingHigherSelf.com