What is the Self?

Satsang with the Self by Channel Higher Self

The Self is a spiritual word for our true nature - who we are beyond the ego, body, emotions, and mind. The Self is a direct experience of our truth, the I AM.

What is a Satsang?

Satsang with the Self by Channel Higher Self

Satsang means in the company of truth. When all of life is realized as the direct experience of One Self, every moment is a satsang and a true miracle.

Presented by Channel Higher Self

Satsang with the Self

About Satsang with the Self

Satsang with the Self is a creation from the channel for Higher Self, Lincoln. Beginning in 2009, every weekend Lincoln will channel the Higher Self Consciousness to bring forth a message to his spiritual audience.

The video content of Satsang with the Self will include a wide range of topics, including:

meditation practices and methods
human psychology
relationship advice
personal empowerment
spiritual philosophy
breathwork practices
energy healing
higher dimensions and spiritual planes
human light body
auras, chakras, energy centers, meridians, nadhis, channels
conscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind
ESP: extra sensory perception
emotions and the emotional body
thought, beliefs, mind and the mental body
and more...

Active participation is encouraged during these Satsang videos. These Higher Self channelling sessions are for you. Every Satsang is open to participation via webcams or computer microphones. No software is needed. Everything is hosted online. Please click here to learn how you can sign up for the next live Satsang with the Self session.

If you would like to support the Satsang with the Self internet ashram experience, donations are welcomed.

Satsang Donation


You may submit topics and questions for future Satsang videos using the contact form here.

Please watch this Introductory Video explaining the Satsang with the Self internet ashram experience.


Who is Lincoln?

Lincoln is a Channel for Higher Self who has been offering free internet video spiritual teachings since 2007.

Since the begining of this lifetime, Lincoln has had an open stream of conscious communication with the Higher Self. As a child, Lincoln unknowingly channelled the Higher Self Consciousness during his grade school education and while counseling friends. Frequently Lincoln would lie awake at night communicating with the Higher Self about his daily life circumstances. Communicating with the Higher Self Consciousness was commonplace in Lincoln's early childhood life. It wasn't until he met a spiritual teacher Jananda Korlsholm, that he realized his gift was unique.

After refining his connection with the Higher Self Consciousness through specialized meditations and verifiable application of the channelled guidance, Lincoln was guided to begin sharing his gift in service to others.

During his 99 day initiation into the Higher Self Consciousness, Lincoln has deepened his connection to his Inner Teacher, building a stronger bridge through which Higher Self spiritual guidance flows. While remaining in full consciousness of his body and physical surroundings, this channel is able to communicate messages from his non-physical Higher Self Consciousness or Soul. It is Lincoln's great joy to freely offer a higher perspective on life situations and on spiritual practices.

After completing 99 Days 99 Channels, Lincoln was guided to create a weekly internet Satsang that would be more interactive than his previous video projects. Satsang with the Self serves as an internet classroom where Lincoln can share the Higher Self spiritual teachings will all who desire to take part.

As technology grows, so will the methods of communication and participation offered by Lincoln, a Channel for Higher Self, and creator of Satsang with the Self.

In the spirit of a traditional Satsang, no fees are required and donations are welcomed.


Get your own personal Channelling Higher Self session.

To learn more about Lincoln, the Channel for Higher Self, or to request a private channelling session, please visit Lincoln's personal website: ChannellingHigherSelf.com


Satsang with the Self is the gathering of Souls to celebrate the highest truth of who we are: pure, unconditional Love Consciousness.